Trusted IT Services, Consultancy and Support

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What We Offer

We offer two distinct paths for Business users, as we have found that businesses that are at different stages and sizes need different things.

  1. Micro or Start-up businesses need help with getting started, understanding what is essential and creating an IT footprint in the world.

    We find in this case there is a desire to keep things simple and effective, which we fully support.
  2. Larger businesses need help Collaborating effectively and ensuring that the IT infrastructure is maintained to an agreed standard.

    We are aware that these businesses have two main areas of concern, which are the protection of your Business Data and the IT Infrastructure that accesses that data - Both need to be effective.

Learn more about what we can do for your business:

Start-up & Micro Businesses    Small and Medium Sized Businesses

Small and Medium Sized Businesses

We fully believe that focusing on the Available, Integrity, and Confidentiality (sometimes called the CIA Triad) of your IT Systems helps drive a valid Solution Design and leads to an achievable quick delivery pathway.

Both the Data aspects of your business and the Infrastructure used to access it need to be in harmony.

As businesses grow their needs change, and you may even have an internal IT person or team that looks after your IT ona daily basis already.
We can help here too; we work effecitively with existing teams on short term scoped Projects, Audits or targetted Reviews. Or it could be as simple as giving your IT staff some outside Guidance and maybe some Training on a Consultancy basis where we pass on our knowledge to your team, or even helping troubleshoot an issue that has them stumped or is taking a long time!

Everyone has Important Information (Here is ours!)

Elstone IT Services Limited is a company registered in England and Wales, registration number 13888159 and is governed by the laws of England and Wales.

All sales are subject to our Terms and Conditions, and usage of our online services are additionally governed by our Website Terms of Service. By using this website, you agree to these terms and conditions. If you have a registered account with us, we will update you if any of our Terms and Conditions change. There is no obligation to purchase our services when creating an account with us; sign up for an account for free.

Elstone IT Services Limited may process information about you subject to data protection laws. For more information about how we use your personal information, protect your information, our legal basis for using your information, your rights and who you can contact, please check out our Privacy Policy at

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** All content, photos, images, vetors graphics and the Elstone IT Service logos are © 2022 Elstone IT Services Limited. Internal unpublished use privately within another Company is permitted, providing the origin is acknowledged where used. Sale or reproduction, either in print, part of a training course, or published on the internet, is not allowed unless authorised in writing; To begin the authorisation process to use any of our media, please e-mail "   @".

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