Trusted IT Services, Consultancy and Support

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We provide Stones as Well
(Our Software Blocks)

We also have a few Stones that we use. They are rock-solid foundations. They are continually developing things and always rolling!

We use them to form a rock-solid foundation for us to use in delivering a bespoke system targeted at your Problem.

We currently offer several stones, but here is a list of just a few of our offerings:

  • “Zen Stone”: An Artists Gallery with Online Print Shop capability.
  • “Stacked Stone”: A Food Industry Online Ordering System for Restaurants and Takeaways.
  • “Stock Stone”: A Simple and Effective Real-time Stock Management System with API integration.
  • “Thinking Stone”: Customised Online Diary Template focusing on Mental Health.
  • "Clean Stone": A validation API service for UK Postal Addresses, UK Telephony Numbers and E-Mail Address Validation.
  • "Secured Stone": An online OIDC solution that handles user login and rights management.
  • "Stacked Stones": A dynamically deployable FAMP (FreeBSD, Apahce, MySQL, PHP) stack, for as long or as short as you need.

We provide first class APIs
(With Cheap Access)

We currently offer the following APIs to our Registered Customers:

  • UK Street Address API
    (Average 300ms Execution Time per API call)
  • UK Phone Number Validator API
    (Average 30ms Execution Time per API call)
  • Email Validator API
    (Average 195ms Execution Time per call)

Our APIs are charged based on execution time regardless of API used.

We charge 10 pence per second of execution time, with a minimum monthly charge of just £1.00 GBP.
Now there really is no excuse for having dirty data!

What really motivates us?
(And that we are really good at...)

We do however specialise and excel in a few areas.

We can offer Extended and Focused Deliverables in 8 niche key areas:

1. Systems Integration, including
Solution Architecting and Delivery.

2. Radiofrequency long-distance Network Links.

3. All aspects of Networking, including redundant Network Infrastructure and End User Computer interface cabling.

4. Delivery of Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and Continuous Deployments (CI/CD).

5. SQL and No-SQL Data Integration, Administration, Linking and Migration, including Data Lake development.

6. Systems and Software Design and Programming.
Our favourite languages are: Java / JBOSS / Maven, C, C# (Unity/WPF/MFC), PHP, CSS, HTML, ASP.NET, Python, tcsh, CFML.

7. Supply of FreeBSD Systems,
Including Administration and Hardware support of existing systems.

8. Supply, Service and Maintenance of Microsoft Windows Servers.

So, if you want us to provide a written database-backed Windows or Unix programme, or for us to design, deliver, install and maintain an extensive Computer Network, or even need a new performant Server, you have come to the right place.

These things align with our interests and passions.
If any of these align with Your Needs, it would be best to Give us a call; we would be more than happy to chat and explore any Scope, no matter how small or awkward.

Everyone has Important Information (Here is ours!)

Elstone IT Services Limited is a company registered in England and Wales, registration number 13888159 and is governed by the laws of England and Wales.

All sales are subject to our Terms and Conditions, and usage of our online services are additionally governed by our Website Terms of Service. By using this website, you agree to these terms and conditions. If you have a registered account with us, we will update you if any of our Terms and Conditions change. There is no obligation to purchase our services when creating an account with us; sign up for an account for free.

Elstone IT Services Limited may process information about you subject to data protection laws. For more information about how we use your personal information, protect your information, our legal basis for using your information, your rights and who you can contact, please check out our Privacy Policy at

*All trademarks, logos and brand names used herein are the property of their respective owners. All third-party companies, products and services named herein are used for identification purposes only or used with permission where we are authorised as a Partner. Use of any names, trademarks and brands within this website does not imply endorsement or ownership.

** All content, photos, images, vetors graphics and the Elstone IT Service logos are © 2022 Elstone IT Services Limited. Internal unpublished use privately within another Company is permitted, providing the origin is acknowledged where used. Sale or reproduction, either in print, part of a training course, or published on the internet, is not allowed unless authorised in writing; To begin the authorisation process to use any of our media, please e-mail "   @".

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